I have owned and used three types of bore sighters. The spud and bore diameter differences on many firearms create different variations in accuracy in bore sighting. The same is true with the laser sight cartridge due to chamber variations. I retained one with spuds to use when conditions were not conducive to getting in the field. A factory mounted scope will not necessarily be on paper. The method I have used for years is truly bore sighting. You look through the bore and bring the scope into alignment. This method done carefully will put the bullet on target within a few inches.
1) Materials needed are already owned by most shooters. Needed are: good tight sand bags or a gun cleaning cradle, portable maintenance center, or any of these items that can support a rifle allowing no movement.
2) The weapon must have the scope bases, rings, and scope securely mounted as ready for the hunt. I use Lok Tite to restrict the recoil loosening the screws. This should be applied to each screw that must remain tight.
3) Remove the covers on the scope adjustment screws and the bolt. The less to be done when the process starts can eliminate movement problems.
3) Pick a target as far from the bench as practical. My target is an insulator on a transmission pole three miles from the shop. More accuracy is attained the further the target from the bore.
4) Rigidly mount the weapon in the cradle or on the bags so that it will not be easily moved when adjusting the scope adjustment screws. Set it up allowing easy access to the adjustment screws without moving the rifle.
5) Align your bore with the target in the center of the bore. Center of the bore on target can be located by looking from the right side of the bore at the target then from the left side of the bore. The smaller the target the better.
6) Bring the scope to the target by adjusting the adjustment screws. Continue to check bore alignment after each adjustment of the scope. Movement of the rifle nullifies the adjustment of the scope.
7) Fire your first shot at the range 20 yards from the target. Bring the scope reticle to your target. An error in bullet placement at this range is multiplied by five at 100 yards. A 2 inch miss at 20 yards is then 10 inches at a100 yards.
8) From the 100 yard line, shoot the target, locate the bullet hole and bring the scope to this bullet hole in the target. You are then sighted in for 100 yards and ready for the hunt.
Good Hunting and Be Safe,
Come to [http://www.baldeagletraders.com] for more information and shooting needs.
God Bless
I am a NRA trained coach and self defence instructor and FFL licensed firearms dealer.
I am a Texas Hunter Education Instructor, preparing youth for safe hunting experiences. By trade I am an electrician with commercial and industrial construction, appliance repair, plant maintenance, lineman experience. (/Retired) Bald Eagle Traders carries a complete assortment of firearms, firearms maintenance, hunting, shooting, and camping supplies at very good prices. We solicit your requests to enable us to stock those items you particularly need and want. Our Wholesalers, Davidson's Gallery Of Guns, Green's Supply, among others, offer the widest vaiety in the business. All major brands of firearms, sights, scopes, tents, hunting and fishing supplies are available. www.baldeagletraders.com [http://www.baldeagletraders.com]
www.eddiesguns.com [http://www.eddiesguns.com]
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